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  • Great Poker community: Learn  from our pro players. You will get the knowledge it takes to become a successful poker player.
  • Successful Poker Training Videos: Watch hundreds of video lessons from poker pros.
  • Win at poker: Get proven formulas and strategies to become a consistent winner
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How to win one extra pott every session?

Learn the most important poker tells as: Disgust, The Eyebrow Flash, Neck Rubbing, Lip Pursing, Distance Tells and a lot more inside… when you know these tells, you’re way ahead of most poker players (can you now see yourself dominating the game? Can you see yourself raking pot after pot?)  Know what microexpressions are? (I will teach you how to spot these on your opponents so you can read them accurately… even against their will… and even if they think they’re not giving away any tells — and use these against them)

The insanely powerful ‘baseline’ strategy expert interrogators use to catch suspects red-handed…and which YOU too can apply to sharpen your deception detection skills.
Accurately read your opponents so you’ll know whether they really have a strong hand, or they’re only bluffing
Decipher effectively the gestures and facial expressions of other players so you know whether a player is under a high level of stress — or is displaying true confidence because he has a strong hand
Learn poker tells quickly with my unique teaching method (I start you out with the basics of a gesture or display so you understand the scientific background and how it is used in different contexts — so you have a better understanding of human behavior and body language…)

We then go even deeper in understanding the specific gesture or display by showing you clips of real life, e.g. reality TV shows and TV interviews which are non-poker situations (in this way, you get the whole, broad concept… and will then be able to analyze various scenarios effectively — whether in poker or in your life!)
Now that you have a good base understanding, I then show you clips from real players in real poker tournaments or cash games… and you get not just one, but 6 to 7 clips so you really understand this and get this right (so come actual play time, you can quickly put your new-found, underground knowledge to crush your opponents — they will not know what hit them!)
You get detailed analysis of each clip that I show you inside (so I take you by the hand and show you exactly what to look for to read poker tells correctly — you definitely don’t get this level of training by just reading books, or from other courses out there)
The unique student-friendly teaching method I use makes it easy for you to grasp the killer concepts quickly… (concepts become crystal clear so you can’t help but let your brain feed itself at will so you become a poker tells expert in the shortest amount of time possible)
Get a better read of your opponents so you can adjust your play accordingly
Surprise Bonus Items Inside I Won’t Divulge Here… (hey, I reward action takers! I will make sure they’ll get more out of this course so they crush poker games like crazy, Guaranteed!)…
And much much more!